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My name is Filipa Lacerda and I'm a Senior Frontend Engineer at Lively, a speaker and a mentor.

I'm based in sunny Portugal and I'm passionate about the web & teaching.


  • Senior Frontend Engineer
    May 2024 - CURRENT
    Worked on fixing technical debt, from creating semantic tokens for the design system reusable components to adding more than 600 unit tests to components that didn't have any. Worked on fixing acessibility errors by implementing acessibility unit tests and enable Storybook acessibility checks.
  • Senior Frontend Engineer
    December 2020 - May 2024
    Worked closely with developers who built their product's API to integrate with Zapier. Worked on the Design System team, creating and maintaing components for the whole company to use. Migrated all the components from Styleguidist to Storybook, allowing for acessibility testing.
  • Frontend Engineer
    December 2019 - 2020
  • Senior Frontend Engineer, Release and Verify
    September 2017 - December 2019

    Developing several Release and Verify features.

    Worked 4 months as Release Manager

    Wrote the documentation for Vuex Patterns.

    Refactored several Rails features into VueJS+Vuex.


  • Frontend Engineer
    September 2016 - September 2017

    Developed several CI/CD features.

    Designed the Architecture for our Vue applications.

    Wrote Documentation for Vue patterns and Flux state management & Internal Styleguide for Vue.


  • Mentor
    July 2018 - December 2018
    Frontend Mentorship - Coaching students
  • Author
    January 2018 - March 2018
    Wrote technical blog posts about Vue.js
  • Frontend Developer
    January 2015 - September 2016
    Built the Frontend for a fraud prevention product using React, Redux & Webpack. Built the Frontend for several clients, on-site.
  • Frontend Developer
    March 2013 - December 2014
    Developed the client side of some projects with ember.js, javascript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3 and using REST APIs; Including the development of the user experience interface. Worked with Agile Methodologies.
  • User Experience Designer
    November 2011 - February 2013
    Developed projects in JavaScript, HTML and CSS in the healthcare field
  • Researcher
    November 2010 - June 2011
    Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian - Casa das Ciência



  • MSc in Multimedia Communication - Interactive Multimedia
    Universidade de Aveiro
  • BSc in New Communication Technologies
    Universidade de Aveiro